Lessons from a Year of Unexpected Twists and Turns

It’s been a while since I last shared my thoughts here, January feels like a lifetime ago. So much has changed in the past eight months, not just within my daily life, but in the way I perceive the world. In my last post, I recounted the challenges of losing my job and my plans for the year, christening it ‘The Impossible Year.’

In many respects, I’ve encountered setbacks. The ambitious goal of completing an ultra race, remains unmet. My fitness aspirations linger just beyond reach. Journal entries, photographs, and videos have dwindled as life’s demands took precedence.

April 7th marked my final day at my previous job. At first, I anticipated there to be a swift transition into a new role. After all, we often hear of the booming job market and companies in desperate need for talent. Unfortunately, reality didn’t align with my expectations.

Three months to the day after leaving my job, I finally signed the offer letter for my new job. July 24th saw me re-entering the workforce after nearly four months of uncertainty. During this time, I applied to no fewer than one hundred positions. Despite numerous interviews, securing an offer proved to be more difficult than expected. The mental strain weighed heavily on me, seeping into every area of my life.

Consistent exercise fell by the wayside, dietary habits waned, and relationships strained. Vacations lost their luster, overshadowed by the financial worries of the impending end to my severance pay. Each job search that came to a dead-end chipped away at my confidence, convincing me that a minimum wage position was looming in my near future.

In hindsight, I wish I’d found more moments of solace. Travelled, exercised, ate healthier meals, and cherished quality time with loved ones. I yearn for a deeper appreciation of those three months, a chance to focus on pursuits beyond a career. Easier said than done, as they say, hindsight is 20/20.

Though this period was marked by intense stress, it also sparked unforeseen shifts in my perspective. I learned invaluable lessons, discovered unexpected sources of joy, and dismantled long-standing mental frameworks, replacing them with ones better suited for the future. In essence, I was forced to distill life down to its core, re-embracing the simplicity I had lost sight of long ago.

While I fell short in my pursuit of the Impossible Year in many respects, I sense profound progress in others. It’s a curious thing - we set resolutions at the year’s beginning, only to find the most transformative changes occurring in the unlikeliest of places by year’s end.

As this year draws to a close, I’ll carry forward the wisdom gained, focusing on habits that promise long-term growth. Instead of fixating on short-lived goals, I’ll hone in on enduring trends.

I’ll strive for consistency in my macros, knowing that occasional deviations are part of the lifelong journey toward health as I age. Daily visits to the gym will be my anchor, acknowledging that some days will be stellar workouts, while others will be simply some stretching and a walk on the treadmill. Trail runs will reclaim their place in my routine, rekindling the joy they bring.

Financially, I’ve reignited my investments, committed to a 1% increase each month until all accounts are maximized. Savings will continue their ascent. On the relational front, I’ll invest in those connections that truly matter, learning to release those that no longer do, making space for meaningful connections.

More reading, more photography, more videos - the pursuit of eudemonia will take center stage as I endeavor to reduce stress-inducing elements from my life. It’s a continuous process, an unfinished masterpiece that will evolve until my journey in life concludes. There will be peaks and valleys, moments of setback, and instances where pushing forward seems impossible. Yet, just as I remind myself during a challenging run, “Can you take even one more step?”

Because, of course, I always can.


Remembering the 21st Century Wild West


The Impossible Year