Hi, I’m Justin.

Based in Indianapolis, I started traveling the United States when I was 19. Just before turning 30, I got into photography and began capturing all the moments that I could along the way.

By day, I work as an operations manager for one of the largest logistics companies in the world. In my free time, I enjoy using my photography skills, making videos, staying fit, travelling, and adding to my impossible list.

Years ago while studying Stoicism, I discovered the word Eudemonia and it really stuck with me. A noun, it’s a Greek word meaning a sense of happiness or well-being achieved as a result of an active life governed by reason. Thus began my search for eudemonia in my own life, a process that really took hold in 2022 when I found myself overwhelmed and unhappy in life.

This site is a collection of all things me and my journey through life. A website all my own. Uniquely me. Showcasing my best work as a photographer, my thoughts on life, videos of my exploits, and more.

I’ve noticed that we seem to live in a world that pushes us into groups and makes us all appear the same. But I’ve felt the highest sense of eudemonia when I was just simply being myself. That’s why I created the idea for The Impossible List in 2022. My mission being to not only build my own list up, but to support and encourage others to build theirs as well.

Thank you for visiting!