Build Your Life Resume

I’m a big fan of podcasts. I spend a great deal of my drive time listening in to different podcasts. And yes, I’m one of those people that listens on fast forward. 1.5x currently. Recently, I listened to a podcast with guest Jesse Itzler.

The more I learn about Jesse, the more he impresses me. It’s not any one accomplishment that stands out, but rather the number of different things that Jesse has done.

He’s started several successful businesses. Climbed mountains. Lived with a Navy S.E.A.L. Lived with monks. Ran ultramarathons. Wrote several books. Gives speeches to large crowds. Owns an NBA team. Is a motivator to thousands, if not millions. And most impressively, seems to have a wonderful marriage and to be a great dad.

He may not be the absolute best in any pursuit, but he pushes himself out of his comfort zone to do things that most would think are crazy.

As someone who doesn’t see himself as the best in any pursuit, Jesse is definitely someone that I look up to.

On the podcast, Jesse talked about how he does so much.

One thing he said is he plans for his entire year up front. He schedules them all on his big ass calendar. Literally, a giant annual calendar that he carries around with him.

There’s certain categories that he writes down and schedules a couple of weeks before the end of the year.

  1. He writes down the year defining thing that he wants to accomplish. Could be losing 100lbs, running an ultra, buying your first home, etc.

  2. He schedules a weekend event that is out of the ordinary every other month, so six total for the year. Could be visiting a certain national park, going camping with the family, doing a 3 day fast, etc.

  3. He writes down 3-4 habits that he wants to build throughout the year. Could be drink more water, a regular exercise routine, a meditation practice, etc.

He then schedules them on the calendar and they become a non-negotiable for his year.

Most of spend so much time focused on building our career resumes and when we get to the end of our working lives, realize we have spent so much time on that that other areas have been neglected. Oftentimes, our health has declined and some of the things we want to do just aren’t physically doable any longer.

As I attempt to find balance between the crazy work hours and stress of my job with the goals and dreams that I have in my personal life, I have noticed that it’s more important than ever to manage my time. Part of that is scheduling time for the things in my life that are important for me. I’ve only recently started to work through this and it does take some time, but I can see the benefits already as I feel much less overwhelm with working so much knowing I have things scheduled for me as well.

Here’s to making 2022 a more impactful year than the 30 that have come before it for me.


Easy Math to Millions


Thoughts on Life